
We got press.

As I had mentioned before, I have been co-facilitating Wellness Workshops here in Philadelphia, to teach people how they can implement wellness and sustainability in their lives. In the Workshops I talk a lot about why choosing plant foods over animal products is more sustainable and on my own, I also counsel individuals on how make the transition to a vegan lifestyle. The point of this entry is that I got a phone call the other day from a local paper from a reporter who wanted to interview me about the work I am doing. Surprisingly enough, she asked me a lot of questions about veganism, so hopefully some of that will get into the interview! As soon as it gets published I'll post it up for everyone to read. Let's hope we get a plug for veganism!!

Vegetable Worshippers Lasagna

I went to Reading Terminal Market yesterday and picked up a ton of fruits and vegetables, so I decided to make some vegetable lasagna for dinner last night. I ended up skipping out on the pasta because I wanted to use up the 5 pounds of yellow squash that were very ripe and ready to be eaten. This dish was totally experimental, but came out AMAZING! Didn't miss the pasta at all and the tofu cheese I made was very satisfying. Ok, so here it goes: Makes one large pan, about 9x15 inches. 1 block of extra firm tofu 1 c unsweetened soy milk 5 cloves garlic 5 lbs of yellow squash thinly sliced 1/2 bunch of collard greens (deveined) 1/2 c sunflower seeds 1 can of no salt added tomato sauce 2 TBS olive oil 1 TBS lemon juice salt and pepper to taste (I used a lot in this recipe) In a food processor, blend the tofu, soy milk, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. This will be your vegan ricotta cheese. First make a layer of sliced squash, don't skimp, pile the slices right on top of

Getting our Omega 3s!

Not only vegan diets, but typical American diets in general are severely lacking in omega 3 fatty acids. These acids are essential for important processes in our body including brain development and preventing various mood disorders. How do we get our omega 3s without eating fish? Crazy talk right? No, not really. While there are a few vegan supplements that offer omega 3 fatty acids, in my opinion, it's much more fulfilling and less expensive to use whole foods. You have two easily accessible options, one is consuming a handful of raw walnuts and the other is consuming a tablespoon of freshly ground flax seeds. Do not heat either of these foods if they are going to be your sources of omega 3s since that will destroy these delicate fatty acids. Here's a yummy shake I came up with to get you covered: 1 c nondairy milk (soy,rice,nut milk, whatever) 1 TBS ground flax OR handful of raw walnuts sprinkle of cinnamon sprinkle of nutmeg (if using unsweetened nondairy milk, consi

Is a vegan diet heart-friendly?

Duh! Way to state the obvious, but Dr Ann-Charlotte Elkan and colleagues from the Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden carried out research to study "the vegan diet." I find it funny when people refer to it as "the vegan diet" as if it's some sort of cult or something. The study was based on participants that had rheumatoid arthritis and measured how effective a vegan diet was at lower their chances for cardiovascular disease. I'm not sure why they chose to test on rheumatoid arthritis patients, but it should be noted that they did not directly look at arthritis in any way, so I'm not really sure what the connection was there. What the study found, was that there were significant reductions in LDL "bad" cholesterol and weight. (No, really?) These are the two main factors in cardiovascular disease and a vegan diet seemed to improve them. Well I think it's obvious because vegan diets contain no cholesterol and tend to be lower in

I'm still here, really!

I know I haven't been keeping up with posting new blogs as frequently as I would like, but I am definitely still committed to advocating veganism and reading all comments I have been receiving. I think I had mentioned a little while back about starting a cafe and wellness center. Well, while that is still in the works, my business partner and I have been focusing our energy on a vegan baking company. It's official, we formed an LLC and are almost ready to go into production. I present to you, Conscious Confections "Shameless Sweets", here is our mission statement: "Our mission is to produce the most delicious confections possible, while assuring they are truly shameless by upholding the highest standards that respect the quality of life for all earth's inhabitants. We are committed to using the healthiest and most sustainable ingredients that do not include those that are derived from our fellow earthlings, the animals. We refuse to choose taste over nu

Veggie Pride Parade!

As much as the word "veggie" annoys me when referring to someone who consumes a plant-based diet, I am all for the Veggie Pride Parade coming up on May 18 in NYC. They have been doing these in Paris for the past 7 years, but this will be the first of it's kind here in the US. There will be a parade, exhibitors, and even a wedding for a pea pod? I'm sure it's going to be an awesome day to bring attention to veganism, animal welfare, and our environment. I can't wait!

The ADA steps in, FINALLY!

The American Dietetic Association finally steps in to state that nutrition professionals stand on the front line when it comes to educating people to make food choices that improve environmental sustainability. Here is the official position statement along with some excerpts: "It is the position of the American Die- tetic Association to encourage environ- mentally responsible practices that conserve natural resources, minimize the quantity of waste generated, and support the ecological sustainability of the food system—the process of food production, transformation, distribu- tion, access, and consumption." "Within the food system, the major water user is the agricultural sector, which consumes 84% of freshwater supplies. In addition, agriculture is a significant source of water resource degradation. Pesticides enter surface water and ground water systems and have been detected in drinking water. Fertilizers and livestock waste con- tribute nitrates, which threaten eco-