
Showing posts with the label FAQ

Employment in veganism and animal rights?

I would like to apologize to all my faithful readers for not posting in 10 days! As you know, this is not like me, but I have been busier than ever lately. I'm still trying to hold it down with school, and work, and interning, and Vegan Drinks Philly , but I do intend on getting some more awesome recipes up really soon! I have been cooking and photographing them, I just haven't had time to type them up yet. I also have a newly recorded video and a podcast planned that you should look for within the next week or so. I'm also STILL without my MacBook. Luckily, I can work from my iMac, but it's just not the same :( Enough with the pity party, let's get this rolling here... You may recall from last month that I started a new segment on my blog called Eating Consciously Q&A. I think I'm going to refer to it as FAQ now because blogger doesn't allow "&" to be used in tags. Anyway... moving forward, you can click on the FAQ's located

What's the best way to go vegan?

This is going to be a new and hopefully, regular segment here on Eating Consciously. I often receive emails where people ask me specific questions concerning veganism. I will answer the questions on my blog, or if you're lucky, I might even address them on my podcast ;P So, if there is a vegan question you have, whether it be about cooking, nutrition, animal rights, etc., send it my way and you will probably see it here! Don't forget, you can also call my voicemail line at 206.888.3763, please note your message will likely be played and answered on my podcast when you call the voicemail. Let's get to the first question! Today's question comes from Amy in Pennsylvania. Q: "Do you find people wanting to make the transition (to veganism) still look for the taste? I would think like cigarettes or something, stopping cold turkey (no insult intended) would be the best route." A: I've heard arguments from both sides. There are some people who do what the