Raw Food Homophobes

While a raw food diet truly makes no sense for an ethical vegan, there’s another unethical consideration that should be taken into account. There’s a lot of evidence that many males in the raw foods movement are flat out homophobic. Not only homophobic, but also ignorant and disgusting bigots.

Take the Raw Brahs for example, who recently made an extremely homophobic video featuring the self-proclaimed “Life Regenerator.” The video features them taking a shower together and making homophobic statements and gestures to each other. The Raw Brahs are, to their own admission, “solar powered Christian raw food radically honest nomadic elitist minimalist brothers.”

In a book entitled, The Raw Controversies, page 118 cites that, “According to David [Wolfe], Durian was a gay guy that went raw, and then 'left the dark side' and decided to go for women. David and Stephen [Arlin] were convinced that homosexuality could be 'cured' by the raw food diet. More specifically, they thought that the 'hormones' in wheat and bread were causing men to become gay.” Arlin and Wolfe even wrote out about homosexuality being curable in early editions of their book, "Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet", these comments were later removed.

Another raw foodie, by the name of Doug Graham, posted on another raw foodist’s Facebook page that you only find homosexuality in nature because of environmental pollution. And a full detox should cure it. The comment was later removed.

It’s no wonder that comments like these are being made when one of the founders of the raw food diet, Ross Horne, had an incredibly homophobic book called, “Health and Survival in the 21st Century.” In the book he devoted two entire chapters to “Sexuality and Homosexuality” and “The Myth of the AIDS Virus.”

He cites that, “Homosexuality, like these other manifestations of diesease, is a symptom of disturbed personality. Its origins lie in the same breeding grounds as those that stunt the maturation of so many heterosexuals.” He also cites that, “As with all other disaffections, society should concern itself with increasing its awareness of the cause of homosexuality and the ways to prevention and cure.”

Not only is the raw food diet itself, completely and scientifically unfounded, but it shows that those who promote it also engage in the same type of uninformed ignorance in their social beliefs. Please do not purchase any products from these sadistic individuals and furthermore, make sure we inform others of their hateful rhetoric.

Vegans don’t need to a eat raw foods diet and there’s no conclusive evidence that it’s any healthier than eating a diet that includes cooked food. A vegan lifestyle is about promoting compassion for all, not hate. Please take a moment to unfriend and unfollow any of these homophobic bastards and please check your sources before following any fanatical diet “advice.”  Also, don't trust anyone who is selling you books, vitamins, and asking for personal donations.

Watch the RawBrahs video for yourself and decide whether or not it’s homophobic:

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  1. I am a queer vegan. I have met Doug Graham, Dan the Man, and the Raw Brahs at raw food events and they all treated me with great kindness and respect. Can you fairly call these people you haven't met "sadistic individuals" and "homophobic bastards" based on single instances of what they each did and said? Would you say that to their faces? This doesn't seem congruent with the "compassion for all, not hate" theme. Of course, I too get frustrated with people believing that homosexuality is unnatural or undesirable, but condemning them as homophobes doesn't help.

  2. I'm wondering if this is really about the homofobia. I feel like you just want to bash raw foodists. As a queer 811:er it really uppset me to hear the information you brougt up, but uts really not about the raw lifestyle. Homofobia exists EVERYWHERE, in the raw vegan community aswell as the cooked vegan community. And of course the rest of society. I would rather defeat homofobia for what is is, than judgement of peoples diets.

  3. I am raw vegan I don't promote or believe in hate. these dudes are idiots, but maybe more immature then homophobic, (probably homophobic too) but definitely immature sheltered boys who all still live under their parents roof. Mainly pathetic......

  4. They are just goofy guys stuck on themselves...

  5. To group all raw foodists together as a bunch of homophobes isn't realistic. Nor is it realistic to dismiss all of the raw food books as written by homophobes, or not worth purchasing.

    Yes, there very clearly is evidence of the differences between eating raw substances and cooked substances - as heat-generated chemicals, including glycotoxins, acrylamides, hetrocyclic amines, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons do trigger immune response, alter body chemistry, contribute to disease, and so forth. Once temperatures go above steaming or boiling, those chemicals can be created within the foods.

    Also, when considering what heating at steaming and boiling temperatures can do to chlorophyl, and that chlorophyl is clearly beneficial to health in that it helps to prevent cancer growth, it is clear that there are benefits to eating raw plant matter - such as leafy green vegetables.

    Heating also absolutely does degrade or obliterate other beneficial substances in raw plant matter, including certain vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants.

    Not all raw food books are worthless. I get letters from people saying that they really found my books of value, inspiring them to improve their diet and health.

    Not all raw food books are plagiarized, as "Nature's First Law" very clearly was - something I didn't know about until many years after I helped to revise it for a second edition (They didn't follow all of my advice, and the revised edition has a lot of crap in it - I don't know if they removed the homophobic comments, which I had advised them to do as I found their view on homosexuality baseless, ridiculous, and unrealistic).

    Certainly, not all raw food authors are homophobes.

    There are a lot of raw foodists who would NOT identify themselves as heterosexual. I know that there are raw vegan restaurants owned by gay people.

    By the way, the "RawBrahs" aren't vegan. They eat meat and milk and eggs. They are predatory to the raw vegan community.


  6. Looks to me like these guys are gay and are just having fun in the showers. Them behaving homophobic just makes it more obvious. As far as I know, straight men don´t shower in gangs, touching and rubbing each other and moving sensuallly like these guys.
    Definitely homophobic gay in the closet, so what?

  7. I don't see this video as being homophobic at all. If it were, I'd be the first to say it. But, I will say, that it looks like their is some curiosity going on there. I see the one dude looking down at Dan more then once during the video.
    Plus, who plays homophobe roles with their brothers. Come on, that is creepy to say the least. I would never stand in a shower and clean my brothers back etc., esp. at their age. That was the creepy part to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd never do it.
    I have found, guys many times play this type game to feel each other out. No pun intended. It's a way to see how far they can go with each other. I've always felt Dan was Bi anyway, and 1 of the RBrahs too. I know of no true str8 guy that would do this shower as they did. hehe

  8. I don't see this video as being homophobic at all. If it were, I'd be the first to say it. But, I will say, that it looks like their is some curiosity going on there. I see the one dude looking down at Dan more then once during the video.
    Plus, who plays homophobe roles with their brothers. Come on, that is creepy to say the least. I would never stand in a shower and clean my brothers back etc., esp. at their age. That was the creepy part to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd never do it.
    I have found, guys many times play this type game to feel each other out. No pun intended. It's a way to see how far they can go with each other. I've always felt Dan was Bi anyway, and 1 of the RBrahs too. I know of no true str8 guy that would do this shower as they did. hehe

  9. Raw diet is more effective for the weight loss as compare to weight loss pills or weight loss steroids to loss the weight. The more effective raw diet for the weight loss are fresh fruits, citrus fruits juices, raw vegetables, vegetables soups, green tea, and fish oil.
    These raw diets have better results for the weight loss without any side effects.

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  11. lol... I'm raw vegan since 2014... still gay... well actually pansexual now, which I believe I always was... do you really think people in the lgbtq community have no interest in learning about a raw vegan diet for energy, awareness, and attraction? I'm doing a bit of market research and this is the first thing I got.


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