Vanilla cake or tiramisu part I

There's something about the perfect vanilla cake. It's such a versatile baked good because you can glaze it, frost it, toss some berries on it, or even use it as a base for tiramisu as I did! I set out to make the perfect tiramisu (which I did), but I ended up with the perfect vanilla cake as well.

A bit healthier than your traditional vegan cake recipe, but it's certainly not lacking in the flavor or texture department. Very satisfying and simple without being bland. What I'm really excited to share with you is my Perfect Tiramisu recipe, but I'm going to lead you up to it in three parts.

Today you get the vanilla cake, then I'll give you the yummy coconut cream topping, and finally, you'll get the tiramisu recipe. So, if you haven't done so already, now would be the perfect time to subscribe (hint, hint) to my blog so you don't miss the best tiramisu recipe ever. Better than nonvegan ;)

Vanilla Cake

3/4 C sugar
1/4 C oil
1 TBS ground flax seeds
1.5 C soy milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 TBS lemon juice
2 C whole wheat pastry flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, oil, flax seeds, soy milk, vanilla, and lemon juice. Add the flour, baking powder and salt, then mix until all the lumps are out. Pour into an oiled 9" cake pan and bake at 350 degree for 35 minutes.

Makes one 9" cake.

In other news, you might remember me telling you about the seagull I rescued from the side of the road. The good news is that he is doing well. He's eating and getting around on his own. He does have a broken scapula, but they think he is going to be just fine.

The bad news is that I found out if he is not able to fly or is unable to be released into the wild, he would be "humanely euthanized." I already requested that if he is set to be euthanized, I will personally find a refuge or sanctuary for him. So, if anybody knows any facilities that have a federal migratory bird permit, please let me know! I have hope though, that he's going to be just fine :)

Stay tuned for tiramisu part II!!

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