Tofu Scramble
Well, it has only been 6 days since my last post and with all that's going on the world of Eating Consciously, I would say I'm doing a pretty good job at keeping up ;) I just confirmed the date for the next Vegan Drinks Philly event which will occur on 4.20.09! It's great to see how many like-minded people there are just in the Philadelphia area, let alone throughout the world that I am able to connect with via my blog, Twitter , and Facebook . It's really astounding and inspiring. My Spring semester will also be coming to a close over the next couple of weeks, so with two big projects due soon, that should keep me relatively occupied. One of the projects is a food modification project where I have to take a recipe, change it to make it healthier in some way, and do a full taste, texture, and appearance profile on it. It's more involved than it sounds, trust me ;) I have decided I use use my Dark Chocolate Brownie recipe and exchange the fat for pureed blac...