
Showing posts from November, 2008

Happy Un-Turkey Day!

W ell, Thanksgiving is here! And it's time to celebrate the harvest and enjoy our vegan feasts. Here is a tofu turkey we had a few nights ago for dinner called simply, Tofu Turkey: It was very delicious, but almost too cute to eat! Last night I conjured up the energy to prepare all of the Thanksgiving dinner ahead of time, so I could sleep in a little this morning :). Here's my Thanksgiving menu... Field Roast! Cranberry-Blueberry Orange-Ginger Relish Maple Glazed Yellow and Orange Carrots Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Pecans and Golden Raisins Roasted Tofu and Brussels Sprouts with Sun Dried Tomatoes Here is a photo of everything plated up: And let's not forget dessert! Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies with "Ice Cream" Pumpkin "Cheesecake" Custard I do intend on putting out another podcast episode and some more videos very, very soon. Just be patient! :) Enjoy the holiday and remember all of the turkeys whose lives were mercilessly taken in order the tickle

Time for celebrations!

Without turkeys, but with an abundance of amazing food, drinks, family and friends! I don't think I'll get all my Thanksgiving recipes up before the holiday, but I will certainly get them all up eventually. This past weekend my partner and I went up to Farm Sanctuary to celebrate Thanksgiving FOR the Birds! It was amazing. Although, the five hour trek up there made us both delirious by the time we arrived, as you can see in the video I posted to document the adventure. For starters, my Smart got a flat tire so we had to switch cars, then we got pulled over, and finally we arrived late to the wrong location and had to back track all the way to the feast, but we luckily made it there in just the nick of time and didn't miss out on any of the festivities. The vegan potluck dinner was fun and interesting, I brought my latest obsession, my Pumpkin Bread Pudding . I swapped out the currants with cranberries. Yum!! Finally, we headed off to Manhattan which was another fiv

Junk food...

As much as I am really big on staying away from processed foods as much as possible, I support them 100%, especially when they help non-vegans to be able to go vegan without having to transition so rapidly to a diet that is slightly different in taste than the meat and dairy they are used to. Let's face it, there are some pretty damn good alternatives out there right now, and I'm not afraid to admit as my life become even busier, I have been enjoying their convenience more often than I'd like to admit. I've been really big into getting the pre-made whole wheat pizza crusts from Whole Foods and putting a variety of veggies, Tofurkey sausage, and Vegan Gourmet mozzarella on them lately. Here's a slice served with some swiss chard: MMM..... ....and vegan cookies!!! My Whole Foods store has these giant oatmeal-raisin sandwich cookies that are probably about 9 inches across with about 1 inch thick of filling in the middle! They are so unhealthy, but I need to indulg

Junk food...

As much as I am really big on staying away from processed foods as much as possible, I support them 100%

New Cam!

Heck yes! I got my new flip video camera and I'm freakin' excited! I can't wait to take it with to Farm Sanctuary next weekend. I also can't wait to do some better quality cooking videos for all of you. Expect some really random videos too ;) I am extremely overwhelmed with work right now, but I had to get a quick clip up for your viewing pleasure...Enjoy! Me making an Absinthe drink Be sure and check out all my videos over @ YouTube!

Deelish! Lasagna Casserole

MMM....delicous! I loved this casserole I came up with the other night. I decided to experiment with a twirly brown rice pasta, but certainly use whatever pasta you have on hand... Lasagna Casserole 1/2 lb pasta (1/2 bag) 1 can tomato sauce 1 batch tofu ricotta recipe 1 bunch spinach 1 tbs olive oil salt and pepper 1 clove garlic Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Begin cooking your pasta. In a pan, saute the spinach with garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. When cooked, add tomato sauce. Drain cooked pasta and toss with spinach and sauce mixture. In a 9" baking pan, put a layer of the pasta, then put some dollops of the ricotta. Repeat this process until all ingredients are used up. Place into oven for 45 minutes. Yum!! You'd swear there was diary in this.

Ma, Ma, Ma, MEAT LOAF!

I never liked meatloaf as a kid. Who would?! Yuk! But I do enjoy this version I came up with. Feel free to add your own traditional meatloaf spices to make this dish your own! "Meat Loaf" 1/2 C red lentils 1/2 C quinoa 1/2 C oats 1/2 C amaranth 1/2 C buckwheat 1/2 C millet 1/4 C tamari ground black pepper 1/4 tsp sage 4 C water Topping: 1/2 C organic ketchup 2 TBS maple syrup Add all of the grains, lentils, tamari, spices, and water into a large pot. Bring to a boil and turn heat down to medium. Allow to simmer, stirring frequently, until water has been absorbed. Mixture should be mushy and thick. Pour into a 9" bread loaf pan and place into a 350 degree oven for one hour. Turn out into a parchment-lined baking sheet. Mix together ketchup and maple syrup. Pour over meat loaf. Place into 350 degree oven for an additional 30 minutes. Should come out crispy on the outside, but will be nice and "loafy" on the inside! Don't forget to serve with a s

CNN article

If you have been listening to my podcasts, you may have heard me talk about the interview I did with CNN. It finally got published and the article features a picture of me and my pups! You can red the full article here . Unfortunately, she quoted me incorrectly and made a statement that I think veganism is good for the environment because it stops animal slaughter and exploitation. That is false and I did mention to her about greenhouse gases emitted by animal agriculture, oceanic collapse, and rainforest devastation. I guess she didn't get what I was saying? At least we're spreading the vegan message! Here are some interesting excerpts: In that regard, 22-year-old Ed Coffin of Philadelphia is ahead of the curve. Coffin drives a fuel-efficient Smart car, schleps his groceries in reusable bags and eschews chemical cleansers in favor of lemon juice and vinegar. He's also a vegan, a lifestyle he feels is environmentally sensitive because it saves animals from slaughter a


Wow. I can't believe it! We did it! George Bush is out and Barack Obama will be our next president. Last night was amazing here in Philadelphia! At around 11pm, when the news broke, people flooded into the streets. I ran down to Broad Street, a few blocks from my apartment, to join the others and before I knew it there were thousands of people in the streets. Cars we stopping, honking their horns, and people were crying, screaming, and jumping for joy! I followed the masses down to city hall and before I knew it there were masses of people pouring in form all directions. Everyone hugging and high-fiving each other. I have never seen anything like it. The mass of many thousands of people marched down to Independence Hall, about 16 blocks away, and gathered in the streets there. At one point everyone even sang the national anthem together. Truely unbelievable!!! Then, everyone marched back to Broad Street, by this time it was 1:30 am, and when we returned even more thou


Like most people, you are probably unaware that our oceans are in a state of collapse. We have wiped out more than 90% of the major fish species, created a floating mass of trash larger than the US, and polluted the waters causing some 40% of our coral reefs to begin dying off. There are laws to help protect the oceans, but no one regulates them and no one abides by them. Commercial fisherman are perhaps the most destructive beings on this planet. Every year they hunt and kill thousands of whales, destroy the ocean floor by trolling, and discard thousands of tons of by-catch that includes endangered and undiscovered species. Did you know that for every pound of shrimp brought in, more than 90% of the catch is considered by-catch? Did you know that although whaling has been banned since 1986, that whalers still kill thousands of whales per year and many being hunted in protected what sanctuaries? Did you know that big-eye and yellow-fin tuna are expected to become extinct within