Update on Cafe!

So, sorry it's been a while since my last post. I have been extremely busy with work, school, and my business!! I'm so happy, though, that I have and outlet to share what's going on with all of you. I figured you would be interested in what's going on with the cafe. Well, my business partner and I have been very intrigued by the vegan baking portion of our cafe, so we decided to begin our business solely as a baked goods enterprise! Who doesn't love good, vegan, baked goods? Free of cholesterol, trans fat, additives, and preservatives, that are also organic, whole wheat, and VEGAN! We initially plan to market to other cafes and health food stores in Philadelphia, but also are looking into selling our baked goods to individuals online and catering to parties and gatherings. This morning, I made some delicious cinnamon buns and while I cannot share a virtual sample, I would like to share a picture of the treats!!!


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