
Raw Food Homophobes

While a raw food diet truly makes no sense for an ethical vegan , there’s another unethical consideration that should be taken into account. There’s a lot of evidence that many males in the raw foods movement are flat out homophobic. Not only homophobic, but also ignorant and disgusting bigots. Take the Raw Brahs for example, who recently made an extremely homophobic video featuring the self-proclaimed “ Life Regenerator .” The video features them taking a shower together and making homophobic statements and gestures to each other. The Raw Brahs are, to their own admission, “ solar powered Christian raw food radically honest nomadic elitist minimalist brothers .” In a book entitled, The Raw Controversies , page 118 cites that, “According to David [Wolfe] , Durian was a gay guy that went raw, and then 'left the dark side' and decided to go for women. David and Stephen [Arlin] were convinced that homosexuality could be 'cured' by the raw food diet. More speci

Stay Consistent, Reject All Oppressive Isms

Most homosexuals eschew the discrimination and prejudice towards them known as heterosexism . In order to be consistent with our morals and ethics, we should make a conscious effort to reject all isms which result in similar discrimination and prejudice towards others. Actions speak louder than words and we can most effectively implement change by living through example. Oppressive ideologies all hold the position that one group of individuals is superior to another. The same discriminatory thought patterns that allow some heterosexuals to see themselves as superior to homosexuals are also inherent in other discriminatory belief systems such as sexism and racism. Sadly, these hateful beliefs too often end in violence towards those being oppressed. Since there is clear commonality among all forms of discrimination, it would make sense that those pushing for justice and equality would embrace the plight of others who are suffering similar injustice and inequality. While many wo
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Michele Bachmann is a lunatic!

For those of you who didn't listen to my last podcast , I mentioned that I wanted to begin including more social concerns to my activist efforts. I was thinking it's been a while since I had a blog post and I think I've found the perfect opportunity to include such information. In case you don't know, Michele Bachmann is a Tea Party candidate for president, who's married to a " silverfox ," that runs an anti-gay conversion therapy clinic. Basically, he "turns" gays into "straights." Well, beyond the many things this woman is confused about , she seems to truly believe that gays can be turned straight by God. Yes, she and her anti-gay husband attended an anti-homosexual sermon, where the below video was played. She sat in the crowd and watched the video and then she proceeded to take photos with the pastor putting on the hateful sermon! It's funny to us, but sad that Bachmann and those sitting in the sermon with her

Free range?

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Ed Coffin Can Die In a Fire

Or at least that's what Twitter user, XtopherHorrocks , said in regards to the scathing article that was published yesterday about me. The article came to fruition after I called out Sweet Freedom Bakery for supporting the Philadelphia Zoo. The author of the article, Christopher McJetters , has taken a lame attempt to support the bakery by trying to put the blame on me. Mr. McJetters has a total of five followers on Twitter and the outlet he writes for, Culture Mob , has only 1,654. Not to toot my own horn, but I have 2,978 followers on Twitter, so I'm not too concerned that this article is going to be very damaging for me, especially since I did nothing wrong. Anyone with a brain can see the article by Mr. McJetters is full of blatantly false statements. First Mr. McJetters begins by questioning why I used quotation marks around the word "vegan" when making reference to the bakery. Well, probably because they support the zoo and vegans don't support the zo

Johnny Weir is ugly inside and out

Johnny Weir recently came out as being gay , as if everyone and their grandmother didn't already know that, but he also just came out with a few more things. Johnny "created" a few pieces of "fashion" for Adrienne Landau's fall 2011 collection, which premiered at New York Fashion Week . Really, what kind of gay man would Johnny be if he didn't dabble in a bit fashion design? Not only were Johnny's "designs" hideous, but he showed us once again how hideous his personality is as well. His deathly designs consisted mainly of fur. You know, the skins of murdered foxes, rabbits, minks, and chinchillas? While one might make the argument that fur is no morally different from leather or wool, which is true, what makes this so atrocious is Johnny's apathetic comments towards the issue. You might remember when Johnny was confronted last year about his fox fur trim on his skating outfits. His callous response to that ordeal was, &