
Animals are JUST LIKE US!

As I am settling into the first week back to classes, I have been noticing my posts have been spotty at best. Have no fear though, I have quite a few recipes piling up and also some videos I have already recorded and a new podcast on the way! That being said, I look forward to keeping you entertained throughout the semester. Plus, being a nutrition major, I am sure I will have plenty to rant and rave about related to dietetic academia. Veganism is still considered pretty "out there", "radical", "extreme", "deficient", and "unhealthy" according to many uninformed nutrition professionals! The information is out there and there are plenty of dietitians and doctors on our side, but there is still quite a path to be cleared. Difficult as it may be to go against the grain, I am compelled on every level of my being to forge ahead and change the world! The animals can't afford for us to BE QUIET!!! Speaking of our fellow earth inha

Testing Recipes, Vegan Drinks, Facebook, etc...

Today is a busy day and this has been quite a busy week for me. Today is not only the presidential inauguration, but also my first day of the spring semester. I'm taking Nutrition Microbiology, Nutrition Application in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, and Experimental Foods. I have also been testing recipes for the Urban Vegan's upcoming cookbook during the past couple of days. This gumbo was just the thing I needed to give me some relief from the winter freeze we're in here in Philadelphia. Gumbo I normally don't like okra, but it was alright in this. Probably because I couldn't taste the slimy secretions. I also experimented with help from the Urban Vegan , on pan frying plantains. They have quite a bland flavor and unique texture, though they're not offensive. Plantains In other news, I have been quite a busy bee on Twitter and Facebook . If you're into Facebook, you can become a fan of Eating Consciously on my fan page listed below, you can al

Tomato and Avocado Dip

This dip is a quick and easy side dish that everyone wil enjoy! It can be served with some tortilla chips, pita bread, or even stuffed into a tasty sandwich. In fact, the concept of this dip evolved from my Monster Vegan Sandwich I whipped up a while back. There is just something about the fresh, acidity of tomatoes combined with the velvety and rich texture of avocados that makes this so inviting. You can whip it up in about five minutes and it's certainly something unique that nobody else will have thought of! Tomato and Avocado Dip 1 pint grape tomatoes (cut in halves) 2 ripe avocados (cut into cubes) 1 TBS vegan mayo 1 TBS your favorite mustard salt and pepper to taste Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix, and serve! Told you it was easy ;) Here's how it's done: Also, I wanted to let you know about . It's a brand new, vegan social networking event that I have coordinated here in Philadelphia! The first meetup will take place at my

What's the best way to go vegan?

This is going to be a new and hopefully, regular segment here on Eating Consciously. I often receive emails where people ask me specific questions concerning veganism. I will answer the questions on my blog, or if you're lucky, I might even address them on my podcast ;P So, if there is a vegan question you have, whether it be about cooking, nutrition, animal rights, etc., send it my way and you will probably see it here! Don't forget, you can also call my voicemail line at 206.888.3763, please note your message will likely be played and answered on my podcast when you call the voicemail. Let's get to the first question! Today's question comes from Amy in Pennsylvania. Q: "Do you find people wanting to make the transition (to veganism) still look for the taste? I would think like cigarettes or something, stopping cold turkey (no insult intended) would be the best route." A: I've heard arguments from both sides. There are some people who do what the

Savory-Sweet Cornbread

Here is the recipe for that cornbread I promised. It definitely helps take some of the edge off of that spicy chili. The addition of onions and jalapenos make this cornbread savory, but the agave nectar provides just the right amount of sweetness to balance everything out. Not looking for savory? Just leave out the onions and jalapeno. Olive oil can also be substituted for the Earth Balance, although it will not have that traditional "buttery" flavor. So, here it goes. Savory-Sweet Vegan Cornbread 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 1 cup corn grits (polenta) 2 TBS nutritional yeast 1/2 tsp salt 2 tbs earth balance melted 1 cup soymilk 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 onion diced 1 jalapeno pepper diced 1/2 cup agave nectar 1 tbs earth balance for pan In a bowl, mix together melted Earth Balance, soymilk, onion, jalapeno, and agave nectar. In a separate bowl, combine the pastry flour, corn grits (polenta), nutritional yeast, salt, and baking powder. Add the wet ingredients to the d

Spicy Vegan Quinoa Chili

Everyone loves a spicy vegetable chili, but this one taste spicy to the next level. If you're not a fan of spice, check out my tips at the end to tone done the recipe! The flavors are complex and great for warming you up on a cool winter's night. Spicy Vegan Quinoa Chili 1 onion 1 habanero 1 jalapeno 3 cloves garlic 1 tsp chipotle 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp cayenne 1/2 tsp allspice 2 TBS sugar salt and pepper one 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes one can tomato paste 1/2 cup TVP (optional, adds extra texture, can also use cooked beans) 1/2 cup Quinoa 3- 14.5 oz cans water (use diced tomato cans) In a large pot, over medium heat, saute the onion, habanero, jalapeno, garlic, chipotle, cumin, chili powder, cayenne, and allspice, until onions turn translucent and begin to brown. Add the sugar, salt, pepper, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, TVP, Quinoa, and water. Bring to a boil and turn down to low. Cover with lid and simmer for 20 minutes. Voila! This would be great topp

Sunday morning breffy. Vegan Crepes!

MMM yes! Vegan crepes. Delicious and the perfect weekend breakfast. Not only are they quick and easy to make, but they look extremely fancy and will make you the king and/or queen of the household. Behold! Vegan Crepes 1 C whole wheat pastry flour 2 TBS ground flax seeds 2 TBS sugar 1 tsp baking powder dash of salt 2 TBS canola oil 1.5 C soymilk In a bowl, combine the flour, flax, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Mix to combine. Then, add the oil and soymilk. Use a whisk, or fork to thoroughly combine, getting out as many lumps as possible. I HIGHLY recommend using a nonstick pan for this and putting it over med-high heat. After pan is hot and batter has set for several minutes. Scoop about 1/4 C of batter into the center of the pan and use the handle to swirl the batter out into a wide, thin circle. Put back on burner until any wet spots are gone and flip by peeling up an edge with your fingers (be careful!) or use a fork to help. Cook opposite side for about 30 seconds and