Animals are JUST LIKE US!
As I am settling into the first week back to classes, I have been noticing my posts have been spotty at best. Have no fear though, I have quite a few recipes piling up and also some videos I have already recorded and a new podcast on the way! That being said, I look forward to keeping you entertained throughout the semester. Plus, being a nutrition major, I am sure I will have plenty to rant and rave about related to dietetic academia. Veganism is still considered pretty "out there", "radical", "extreme", "deficient", and "unhealthy" according to many uninformed nutrition professionals! The information is out there and there are plenty of dietitians and doctors on our side, but there is still quite a path to be cleared. Difficult as it may be to go against the grain, I am compelled on every level of my being to forge ahead and change the world! The animals can't afford for us to BE QUIET!!! Speaking of our fellow earth inha...