
Showing posts from July, 2012
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More to come!

Hello, to all my faithful readers!  :D   I am writing to let you know that within the next few days, this feed is going to be moving over to my new  Tumblr .  Now, before you freak out, allow me to explain.  I have realized I have not had the time to write long, formal blog posts in recent time, but I noticed I have had time to make short updates on Twitter and Facebook no matter how busy I am.   So, I am moving everything to my new Tumblr, which will allow me to make more frequent posts and cover a wider array of topics than you are currently used to.  That being said, this blog will ALWAYS remain here and you can always reference old posts, recipes, etc.  I think you will be very happy with the new transition and it will give you much more to read and think about!   I wanted to let you know this was going to happen, just so you wouldn't be surprised to see more frequent updates or be confused when is suddenly directed to the Tumbl