
Showing posts from January, 2008

Chickpea Salad

This delicious chickpea salad could definitely replace chicken salad any day! The bitterness of the kale matched with the familiar taste of the vegan mayo makes this a snack anyone will enjoy, vegan or not. 3 cups cooked chickpeas 1/2 cup shredded kale or celery 1/4 cup vegan mayo (more or less depending on taste) 1 TBS lemon juice salt and pepper to taste Pulse all ingredients in a food processor until the consistency of chicken salad. Yum.

Stay away from hot tap water?

Yes! Many pipes in the home contain lead that can leach into hot water since it dissolves toxins much more quickly than cold water. Even pipes that are so-called "lead free" can contain some 8% lead in them! Apparently, according the the EPA, boiling water does not eliminate lead, but may increase the concentration of it. So, don't take any short cuts, make sure any water that you will be consuming is cold tap water. Remember, tap water rules, DON'T BUY BOTTLED!

Are you aware?

It has come to my attention that many vegans/vegetarians are either partially, or completely unaware of the complex recommendations and nutritional requirements needed to consume a healthy, plant-based diet. I'm not talk about calcium, iron, and b12 sources. I'm speaking about recommended percentages for both macro and micro nutrient intake as well as how to consume adequate amounts without falling short anywhere. If you are unaware, you are not alone, even non-vegans are usually unaware of their own requirements more often than not. Why be concerned? As you may have read below, there are severe and sometimes deadly consequences concerning consumption of a poorly planned diet. It is really more than just leaving out the animal products, but many of the same problems concerning vegan diets are mirrored in meat-based diets as well. While there are an abundance of reliable and not so reliable sources, the most important thing is to NEVER rely on one source for YOUR nutrition

This raving idiot is clueless...

Read this article, then we'll talk: "WHEN Crown Shakur died of starvation, he was 6 weeks old and weighed 3.5 pounds. His vegan parents, who fed him mainly soy milk and apple juice, were convicted in Atlanta recently of murder, involuntary manslaughter and cruelty. This particular calamity — at least the third such conviction of vegan parents in four years — may be largely due to ignorance. But it should prompt frank discussion about nutrition. I was once a vegan. But well before I became pregnant, I concluded that a vegan pregnancy was irresponsible. You cannot create and nourish a robust baby merely on foods from plants. Indigenous cuisines offer clues about what humans, naturally omnivorous, need to survive, reproduce and grow: traditional vegetarian diets, as in India, invariably include dairy and eggs for complete protein, essential fats and vitamins. There are no vegan societies for a simple reason: a vegan diet is not adequate in the long run. Protein deficiency is one


The European Food Safety Agency release a report on Friday that milk and meat from cloned animals poses no special health risks. This means it is highly probable that meat and dairy production from cloned animals will begin to go into production in the European Union. While the clones were notably prone to more diseases, it was assured that these animals would be promptly removed from the food chain. This ruling may reflect the USDA's ruling on cloned animals which is expected later this month. Apparently, there is already a cloning meat industry in the US just waiting for the OK. So, just when you thought the meat and diary industry couldn't possibly exploit animals more than they already are, THEY CAN AND THEY PROBABLY WILL!

Don't worry about heart attacks...

if you're vegan that is. According to multiple studies, people who consume a completely vegan, or near-vegan diet, can almost guarantee themselves that they will never suffer a heart attack. This is because, as you know, plant foods do not contain cholesterol, which builds up in your arteries, breaks off, clogs an opening, restricts blood flow, and causes you to suffer a heart attack. The average U.S. vegan has a cholesterol level of 133, whereas the average U.S. vegetarian is 161, and the average U.S. citizen is at 210! While there are other factors that contribute towards your risk of a heart attack, the benefits of a low cholesterol level are astounding! According to William Castelli, M.D., Director of the Framingham Health Study, anyone with a cholesterol level under 150, is practically guaranteed to never suffer a heart attack. Want to learn more? Find out more about about this and a plethora of other interesting facts about the consumption of a vegan diet in John Robbi


Okay, this may not have anything to do with eating specifically, but I do believe it falls under "living consciously" and is a relevant topic. Q.) Isn't it politically incorrect to wear fur? A.) Actually it's the opposite, wearing FUR IS GREEN! Fur is a truly sustainable and renewable natural resource. Furriers, whether trappers or farmers, have the highest level of respect for both their animals and the land. To harm either, would be to harm themselves. Also consider… a recent study of consequences from various textiles on the environment was undertaken at Oregon State University . The study included methods to obtain, process, fabricate, maintain and dispose of a broad range of textiles including wool, leather, fur, cotton, silk, linen, rayon, polyester, nylon and acrylic (fake fur is made from nylons and acrylics) were evaluated across a number of environmental variables. In composite scoring across all environmental criteria, th

Spicy Carrot Soup

Spicy Carrot Soup 5 lbs carrots (steamed) 1 medium onion sliced 1 jalapeno pepper 1 2-inch piece of ginger 3-5 cloves of garlic 1 vegetable bouillon cube soymilk as needed water as needed salt and pepper as needed Puree the steamed carrots, onion, pepper, garlic and ginger in a food processor (add any soymilk needed to create a smooth, creamy texture). Use the steaming water to dissolve the bouillon cube and add the puree. Add any additional water along with any salt and pepper. Allow to simmer for 20 minutes. Enjoy!!! (I topped mine with a bit of brown rice).

Top Ten Herbs, Spices, and Flavorings

Many people have told me that they are afraid to cook for themselves because they don't know which herbs and spices to use. I decided to come up with a top ten list of the herb, spices, and flavorings I use most often and can be used in almost everything. If you are unsure of how to get started, this is a good basic list of ingredients you should always have on hand. 1) Garlic 2) Cumin 3) Lemon Juice 4) Ground Red Pepper 5) Ginger 6) Garam Masala 7) Chili Powder 8) Basil 9) Liquid Smoke 10) Tamari You can make many different cuisines with these flavorings such as garlic, cumin, chili powder, and liquid smoke for mexican dishes, basil, lemon juice, and garlic for italian dishes, garam masala, cumin, and ginger for indian dishes, and ginger, garlic, and tamari for asian dishes! The combinations are endless, once you become familiar with the flavors, experiment for yourself and don't be afraid to try new herbs and spices.

The big debate...

Usually, when making the change from vegetarian to vegan, the last thing you give up is dairy. It was the last thing I gave up, but here is just one more reason why you should consider it. Not only does dairy directly provide the veal industry with baby calves, but vegetarians that consume cheese on a regular basis are considerably MORE likely to suffer from iron-deficiency anemia than vegans. This is because dairy not only lacks, but actually interferes with iron absorption, making you more likely to suffer from iron-deficiency anemia. Think about that the next time you reach for that parmesan! >Also, I fixed the email subscriber on the sidebar. If you wish to be notified about updates to this blog, please subscribe!

My responses to...

"Well, animals eat animals." >Yeah, and when animals start raising each other on factory farms, I'll be against that too! >Animals are killing each other in their natural habitats in order to survive. You are merely producing and killing for your own personal pleasure, in no way do you NEED animal flesh in order to survive! >Animals only eat what they must in order to sustain life. Humans, on the other hand, consume more than enough meat than they need and more than they could ever attain if they were "in the wild". >Lastly, when an animal is killed by another, that prey lived it's life in harmony in his/her natural environment until their time of death. Our "meat" is raised deprived of all rights any living being should be provided, then we kill them. Try those ones the next time you are challenged!


These macaroons are probably the best I've ever eaten! I took 100 of them to a family gathering and they were all gone by the time I left. Try them, they're not only soft and chewy, but they're not overly sweet either. Ingredients: 12 ouces shredded dry coconut (use macaroon coconut if available, it's just a smaller shred. also-this measurement is by weight, not volume) 2 tablespoons soy milk 2/3 cup rice syrup 1/4 tsp nutmeg 1/4 tsp cinnamon jelly, jam, or fruit preserves 1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2) Mix together coconut, soy milk, rice syrup, and spices. 3) Use a tablespoon to portion out the mixture and roll into balls. Place the balls on a cookie sheet and use your thumb to make an imprint in the middle. They will seem to fall apart, so just pack and reshape them back together leaving the imprint in the middle (trust me, they will stay together once they cook). 4) Add a small amount of jelly, jam, or fruit preserves to the center of each macaroon. 5) Pla

People ARE changing!

I just wanted to share these kind words I received from an individual recently that after 40 YEARS is making the change to giving up animal products! Please read: Thanks for the info on the blog. I am trying to begin the process of giving up meat etc. It is hard to give up a habit of more than 40 years, but I know not only will I be healthier for it, but many beautiful animals will not be abused and killed for my "enjoyment." ~Keith -My Reply: Keith, I am so glad to hear that you too are considering giving up meat. Don't forget, it will not only help the lives of billions of helpless animals constantly exploited by humans and be healthier for you, but also it is the biggest way any one individual can make an impact towards saving our planet! Please check my blog often at for updates and I will also be posting lots of nutrition info shortly as I am reading the book, Becoming Vegan, written by two highly influential registered dietitians in the fie


A new year, a new post. There's never been a better time to attempt to create a change among people. I just saw the movie Earthlings for the first time and if I was not already a vegan, I certainly would be after viewing this film. It is full of never before seen footage that makes the connections between human, nature, and animals. Please watch: