
A very vegan Christmas - the gifts part 2

I think this is going to be the last Christmas post, just wanted to share a few more interesting things I got for Christmas... Here is a 2oz package of some of the world's most expensive coffee. It's called Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and apparently it only grows on this one specific mountain in Jamaica! Can't wait to try it. Finally, I got a rice cooker . No more burnt rice to the bottom of my pans! I have heard these are all the rage in Japan. Apparently, rice cookers are like toasters to them over there, everybody has one! I heard a Japanese girl in a interview say that she never even know you could cook rice in a pot until she came to the US ;) I am so happy I got this new glass pitcher. I like to keep various drinks in the fridge, in addition to water, such as homemade kombucha, iced tea, and even vegan soynog! I have somehow managed to shatter my last two pitchers and have been without one for several months now, so this was a really special surprise! Here&

A very vegan Christmas- the gifts part 1

I was actually going to record a new podcast episode, but I think I am going to hold off a few more days because I just ordered a new microphone that will hopefully improve the sound quality of my show :) So, I decided to continue with my very vegan Christmas post. I got some very exciting gifts for Xmas, mostly great kitchen stuff. Now this gift doesn't look too exciting, but these jars are going to be used to brew up some yummy Kombucha . Here is a nice-sized heating pad to keep the fermentation process chugging along! If you've never made your own Kombucha, it's a really fun and easy project. My most favorite gift was this HUGE cast iron wok! Did you know cast iron actually infuses your food with extra iron? I finally got Hannah Kaminsky's book. I can't wait to make some of the decadent recipes from this one. This is a nice set of Pyrex baking dishes I got, which will help me from having to line my old metal pans with parchment. I did get a few more gifts t

A very vegan Christmas - the food.

Well, Christmas has come and gone so quicky, but I'm still trying to hold onto the lingering essence of what's left. This Christmas, I decided to make some really delicious food to take to my family's house, but I also decided to make a special vegan breakfast. The dish is called Pain Perdu and it means "lost bread" in French. It's essentially a decadent version of French Toast. I got the recipe from the Urban Vegan and it will be featured in her upcoming book that should be out in the fall of 2009. Here's a photo of it. It's pairs perfectly with a drizzle of organic agave nectar. I woke up extra early to surprise my partner to a Christmas breakfast table. I took our little rosemary tree and adorned it with tiny ornaments, lights, and a golden butterfly on top! He had no idea I was doing this :) It worked out perfectly because I needed something to do while the breakfast was cooking. Fortunately, since I am testing recipes for the Urban Vegan

Xmas is on it's way...

...and I have yet to barely think about what I'm making!!! Right now, all I know for sure is that I'm doing roasted red potatoes with rosemary, field roast , macaroons, and cookies! I still need to think about making a few more side-dishy type things. I'll get back to you soon and let you know what the final outcome is. In other news, everyone at the cafe I manage got me a gift for xmas. They adopted two turkeys from Farm Sanctuary for me, Echo and Phoenix! You too can adopt a turkey by going to . Farm Sanctuary is a great organization and facility doing A LOT of good for the animals! I just won tickets at the Humane League of Philadelphia's fundraiser holiday event to stay for a weekend this summer. I can't wait!! Here's a photo of Echo... and Phoenix Thanks Amy, Rebecca and Leslie!!! Should have a new podcast out soon, I swear! Also, if you're on twitter please vote for me in the Shorty Awards for the food category. We n

The Urban Vegan: 250 Street-Smart, Animal-Free Recipes

Testing more recipes from the Urban Vegan's to-be-released cookbook, which should be out in late 2009. I just tried making her delicious sugar cookies. I made the cinnamon variety, but she also gives a sweet icing recipe that you can use to make them pretty if you like. I'm going to try them with the icing next time, maybe I can do them red and green for Christmas. Fresh out of the oven! Nothing screams the holidays like hot sugar cookies :) All plated up. For dinner, I made her version of veal saltimbocca. Sans the veal, but with seitan instead. I will say I have never had the meat version of this dish, but it did taste uncannily meaty. It was quite delicious and I served it up with a side of pasta. Once the book comes out, you definitely have to try this recipe. Cutlets right out of the oven. Served with some whole wheat pasta. Oh, and I also had these scrumptious hot wings as an appetizer, brought to me by a friend from a place in NJ called ZiZi's . Thanks Lisa

New Vegan Restaurant

So, there's a new vegan restaurant here in Philadelphia. It's called Mi Lah Vegetarian and I had dinner there a few nights ago. All of the food was delicious and it's a bit more upscale than most vegan restaurants here in Philly. I mean, it's no Horizons , but it's certainly not far behind. I had African Sweet Potato Patties and Pumpkin Dumplings for appetizers. Both were scrumptious. Unfortunately, I forgot to grab a picture before I gobbled them up. :( I did happen to snag a picture of my entree, which was Jerk Seitan Skewers! Yummmmmmmmmmmy!!!!! And very spicy! Served over mango couscous. Also, I forgot to get a picture of the desserts I had :( I tried the Chocolate Cake and Peanut Butter Custard, which was my favorite!! The Peanut Butter Custard almost had the consistency of warm cookie dough. They were both served with Temptation ice cream ;) So, if you are in or around Philly, I highly recommend checking this place out. Stay tuned for more Urban

Testing Recipes

For my friend The Urban Vegan ! If you haven't already heard, she is getting ready to publish her new cookbook, "The Urban Vegan: 250 Street-Smart, Animal-Free Recipes". We are practically neighbors, as she too lives here in Center City, Philadelphia! I'm super excited for her book release, which will be in late 2009, but even more honored to help test out the recipes for it! I have quite a few recipes to try out during the next couple of weeks, so I will be posting all of the pics and flavors of them all right here on my blog. I started out by testing one of her fancy drink recipes, because you know I'm no stranger to alcohol, but also a fabulous diner-esque snack. I made the spicy and flavorful spiced cider which was perfect to combat the bitter cold outside. And I also made her version of chipped beef on shingles, sans the beef! YUM! Here's her pic for a comparison. So, that's all I got for now, but I am hoping to get some new videos up on my YouTu